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5月20日“创源”大讲堂:Reliability of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy and Electrified Transportation Applications

2024年05月16日 19:30 点击数:

时间:2024年5月20日 星期一 15:30-16:30

地点:犀浦校区 三号教学楼 30519

主持人:王惠民 讲师

讲座题目: Reliability of Power Electronics in Renewable Energy and Electrified Transportation Applications


Power electronic converters are “CPUs” processing electrical energy including and between generation and end-use. They play an essential role in renewable energy generation, electrified transporation, smart grid, data centers, industrial automation, smart home appliances, and consumer electronics. With an increasing percentage of electricity processed through power electronics, optimizing the efficiency and reliability of converters is critical to affordable, secure, and sustainable energy systems. This seminar will delve into the latest advancements in the reliability design, testing of power electronic components and converters, and condition monitoring for predictive maintenance and operational optimization. It will cover the following aspects: 1) a brief introduction to the background and relevant research activities in the last decade; 2) introduced case studies, specifically focusing on renewable energy, electric vehicle, metro and train applications, that highlight reliability design, testing, and condition monitoring of power electronic components and converters; and 3) perspectives on the research challenges and opportunities in the relevant research topics.

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王怀,丹麦奥尔堡大学教授,电力电子变换器可靠性(ReliaPEC)研究团队负责人,奥尔堡大学能源(AAU Energy)数字化转型及人工智能使命计划负责人,该计划致力于在能源、数字化、人工智能等多学科交叉方向的研究和创新。主要从事高效、可靠、可认知的力电力电子系统方面的基础和应用研究,与电力电子及能源行业的企业展开了广泛的合作。5篇IEEE及IET获奖论文, 100余场受邀讲座。于2012年获香港城市大学博士学位,2007年获华中科技大学工学学士学位。2013年和2014年间麻省理工学院和苏黎世联邦理工学院短期访问科学家,2009年博士学习期间于ABB瑞士联合研发中心实习。因对电力电子可靠性领域贡献,于2016年获IEEE电力电子协会颁发的Richard M. Bass杰出青年工程师奖。2018-2020年担任IEEE IAS/IES/PELS 丹麦联合分会主席。2022年获首届香港城市大学电气工程系杰出青年校友奖,2023年当选丹麦技术科学院院士。


