Undergraduate Program of the Major of Electronic and Information Engineering
Ⅰ.专业介绍 Introduction
本专业建设依托beat365手机版在线登录(前身为创办于1949年7月的电机系)。 1986年,按照“培养与电气工程学科发展相配合的信息技术专门人才”的设想,由钱清泉教授(1997年当选中国工程院院士)领衔创办了应用电子技术专业,并于1988年开始招收本科生。同期,由著名信息科学专家靳蕃教授负责创办了信息工程专业。1999年专业调整,应用电子技术专业与信息工程专业合并,发展为现在的电子信息工程专业。
The construction of the major relies on the School of Electrical Engineering (formerly the Department of Electrical Machinery, founded in July 1949). In 1986, in line with the original idea of "training information technology professionals in line with the development of electrical engineering discipline", Professor Qian Qingquan (elected academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1997) founded the major of Applied Electronic Technology, and began to recruit undergraduates in 1988. In the same period, Professor Jin Fan, a well-known expert in information science, was responsible for the establishment of the specialty of Information Engineering. In 1999, the specialty of Applied Electronic Technology and Information Engineering were merged and developed into the present specialty of Electronic Information Engineering.
Program Code: 080603
Program Name: Electronic and Information Engineering
Ⅱ.培养目标 Objectives
1. 具备社会责任感和使命感,坚守职业道德规范,在工程实践、科学研究中坚持国家和人民利益优先;
2. 能够通过工程师技术培训等多种学习方式提升专业持续发展能力,更新和调整专业知识和能力,以胜任电子信息工程行业技术的快速发展;
3. 具有创新思维,以及从事电子信息工程及应用领域产品研发、技术革新和工程科学研究的能力;
4. 能够应用专业以及职业相关的安全法规和专业技能,通过个人或者团队解决电子信息工程行业产品和装备生产中出现的问题,以提升产品和装备质量,并有利于改善环境促进可持续发展;
5. 能够主动参与工程行业和企事业单位的组织管理并担任一定的组织角色;
6. 能够开展跨学科跨文化学习,掌握新的知识和技能,拓展新的职业发展机会。
Aiming at nurturing new generations who will continue to maintain the prosperity and stability of our nation, this major cultivates scientists and engineers, being competent in the field of product design, engineering research, production organization and equipment innovation, and having wider international viewpoint and rail transit characteristics, who can lead the development of the field of electronic information engineering. The graduates are supposed to achieve the following professional abilities.
1. Have a sense of social responsibility and historical mission, stick to the professional norms, and always consider the national interests and peoples’ interests as the first priority.
2. By a variety of learning methods such as engineer training to enhance professional sustainable development ability, update and adjust professional knowledge and ability, to be competent for the rapid development of electronic information engineering technology.
3. Have creative thinking, and the ability of product development, technology innovation and engineering scientific research in the field of electronic information engineering and application.
4. Apply professional and occupational safety regulations and professional skills to solve problems of equipment production in the field of electronic information engineering industry, so as to improve the quality of products and equipment, and to promote the environmental sustainability.
5. Actively participate and play a certain role in the organization and management of the engineering industry and enterprises.
6. Conduct interdisciplinary and cross-cultural learning, keep learning new technologies, expand opportunities to undertake new careers.
III.专业毕业要求 Graduation Requirements
1. Engineering knowledge: Have basic knowledge of mathematics, natural science, electronic information and professional knowledge; and to describe, analyze and solve complex engineering problems in the field of electronic information engineering.
2. Problem analysis: The basic principles of mathematics, natural science and engineering science can be applied to identify, express and analyze complex engineering problems in the field of electronic information engineering through literature research, so as to obtain effective conclusions.
3. Design/Development Solutions: To provide solutions to complex engineering problems in the field of electronic information engineering, to design systems, units (components) that meet specific needs, to embody innovation awareness in the design process, and to take into account of social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental considerations.
4. Research: Based on scientific principles and using scientific methods to study complex electronic information engineering problems, including designing experiments, analyzing, processing and interpreting data, and obtaining reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.
5. Use modern tools: Be able to select, use and develop appropriate technologies, resources, modern engineering tools and information technology tools for complex engineering problems in the field of electronic information engineering, including prediction and Simulation of complex engineering problems, and understand their limitations.
6. Engineering and Society: To be able to conduct a reasonable analysis based on the professional background knowledge of electronic information engineering, to evaluate the impact of complex engineering projects and solutions to engineering problems in the field of electronic information engineering on society, health, safety, law and culture, and to understand the responsibilities to be undertaken.
7. Environment and Sustainable Development: Ability to understand and evaluate the impact of engineering practice on environmental and social sustainable development of complex engineering problems in the field of electronic information engineering.
8. Professional norms: with humanities and Social Sciences literacy, social responsibility, can understand and abide by engineering professional ethics and norms in the practice of electronic information engineering, and have the ability to perform their responsibilities correctly.
9. Individuals and teams: able to assume the roles of individuals, team members and leaders in a multidisciplinary project or technology development team.
10. Communication: To be able to effectively communicate with colleagues from industry and the public on complex engineering issues related to electronic information engineering, including writing reports and designing manuscripts, presenting statements, expressing clearly or responding to instructions; have a certain international perspective, and communicate in cross-cultural context.
11. Project management: Understand and master the principles of engineering management and economic decision-making methods, and can apply the above knowledge in a multidisciplinary environment.
12. Lifelong learning: with the awareness of self-learning and lifelong learning, and the ability to constantly learn and adapt to social development.
IV.学制与学位 Duration and Degree
Duration: 4 Year
Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
V.主干学科与主干课程 Main Subject and Main Course
Main Subject: Electronic Information Engineering,Control Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technoledge
专业基础课程:工程制图、电路分析AI(含实验)、电路分析AII(含实验) 、模拟电子技术B、模拟电子技术实验、数字电子技术B、数字电子技术实验、程序设计基础、数据结构与算法设计、信号与系统(含实验)
轨道交通信息与控制模块专业课程:电机拖动基础(含实验)、电力电子技术(含实验)、铁路信息系统架构、列车运行控制技术、现场总线与列车控制网络(含实验) 、传感器与信号检测技术(含实验)、智能控制技术。
Discipline and Specialty Foundational Courses:
Foundational Courses on Mathematics and Natural Science: Calculus I、Calculus II、Linear Algebra B、Complex Functions and Integral Transformations 、Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics 、Fundamentals of Physics BI、Fundamentals of Physics BII、College Physics Experiments I、College Physics Experiments II
Professional Foundational Courses: Engineering Drawing、Electric Circuits AI、Electric Circuits AII、Analogue Electronic Technology B、Analogue Electronic Technology Experiments、Digital Electronic Technology B、Digital Electronic Technology Experiments、Fundamentals of programming、Data structure and algorithm design、Signals and Systems
Specialized Core Course: Digital Signal Processing、Information Theory and Coding、Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering、Electronic Measurement Technology、Software Comprehensive Experiments、Principles of Micro-Computer、Principles of Automatic Control、Communication Theory、Embedded System and Its Application、Computer Networks、Communication Circuits、MCU System Comprehensive Experiments、Comprehensive Design
Specialized Restricted Courses:
Intelligent Autonomous System Module Course: AI and Machine Learning、Electronic Design Automation、Robot Control、Intelligent Autonomous System、Sensors and Signal Detection Technology
Professional Course of Artificial Intelligence Module: AI and Machine Learning、Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision、Big Data Technology、Computer Graphics、Intelligent Autonomous System、Intelligent Control System
Intelligent Rail Transit Specialty Course: Fundamentals of Electrical Machinery、Power Electronics、Architecture of Railway Information Systems、Advanced Control Technology of Train Operation、Field Bus Control Systems and Train Control Networks、Sensors and Signal Detection Technology、Intelligent Control System
VI.毕业学分基本要求 Basic Requirements of Credits for Graduation
课程体系 |
学分要求 |
必修 |
限修 |
选修 |
小计 |
理论 |
实践 |
理论 |
实践 |
理论 |
实践 |
公共基础课程 |
思想政治类 Ideological Politics Courses |
14 |
2 |
16 |
军事类 Military Courses |
2 |
2 |
4 |
外语类 Foreign Language Courses |
6 |
2 |
8 |
体育类 Physical Education Courses |
4 |
4 |
通识教育课程 General Education Courses |
核心通识课 Core General Education Courses |
4 |
4 |
新生研讨课 Freshman Seminar |
2 |
2 |
学科与专业基础课程(含实验) |
数学与自然科学基础课 Foundational Courses on Mathematics and Natural Science |
25 |
2 |
27 |
专业基础课 Professional Foundational Courses |
20.25 |
5.75 |
26 |
专业课程(含实验) |
专业核心课程 Specialized Core Course |
25.25 |
11.75 |
37 |
专业限修课程 Specialized Restricted Courses |
7.25-8.5 |
1.5-2.75 |
10 |
实习实践教学 |
基本技能训练、实习实训、综合课程设计、社会与文化素质实践、毕业实习与毕业设计 |
16 |
16 |
多元化课程 Diversified Courses |
跨学科课程、美育专业类课程、学科竞赛类课程、其它个性化选修课程等 Interdisciplinary Courses, Aesthetic Education Courses, Subject Competition Courses, other Personalized Elective Courses,etc |
4 |
4 |
创新创业实践 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice |
创新创业训练计划项目、个性化实验、学科竞赛、创新讲座等 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, Personalized Experiments, Subject Competition, Innovation Lectures, etc |
2 |
2 |
必修环节 A Compulsory Part |
大学生综合素质提升、学生体质达标测评 Comprehensive Quality Improvement Courses for College Students, Assessment of Students' Physical Fitness |
0 |
总 计 Total |
160 |
VII.课程设置细化表 Course Programs Table
公共基础课程 Public Basic Courses 共32学分,其中必修30学分,限修2学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 32,including 30 for compulsory courses,2 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class Practice Credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
思想政治类 |
思想道德修养与法律基础 The Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.4 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
6.1 |
中国近现代史纲要 Conspectus of Chinese Modern History |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.4 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
8.1 |
马克思主义基本原理 The Basic Principles of Marxism |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.4 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
11.1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 I Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics I |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.4 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
8.1 |
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论II Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought and theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics II |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0.4 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
8.1 |
形势与政策I Situation and Policy I |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策Ⅱ Situation and Policy Ⅱ |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策Ⅲ Situation and Policy Ⅲ |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策Ⅳ Situation and Policy Ⅳ |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策V Situation and Policy V |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策Ⅵ Situation and Policy Ⅵ |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策Ⅶ Situation and Policy Ⅶ |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
第7学期 7Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
形势与政策Ⅷ Situation and Policy Ⅷ |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0 |
第8学期 8Th Semester |
马克思主义学院 School of Marxism |
7.1 |
军事类 Military Courses |
军事理论 Military Theories |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
武装部 |
8.1/9.1 |
军事技能 Military Skills |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
2 |
短1学期 Short Semester 1 |
武装部 |
8.1/9.1 |
外语类 Foreign Language Courses |
英语I College English I |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
外国语学院 School of Foreign languages |
10.3 |
英语II College English II |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
外国语学院 School of Foreign languages |
10.3 |
通用学术英语 English for General Academic Purposes |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
外国语学院 School of Foreign languages |
10.3 |
职场英语 Workplace English |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
外国语学院 School of Foreign languages |
10.3 |
限选1门,2学分 Limited to 1 course, 2 credits |
交际与文化视听说 Viewing, Listening & Speaking in English --Communication & Culture |
语言、文化与翻译 Language, Culture and Translation |
英语公共演讲 Public Speaking in English |
体育类 Physical Education Courses |
体育I Physical Education I |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
9.1 |
体育II Physical Education II |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
9.1 |
体育III Physical Education III |
必修Compulsory |
0.5 |
0.5 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
9.1 |
体育IV Physical Education IV |
必修Compulsory |
0.5 |
0.5 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
9.1 |
体育健康课程I Diversified Physical Education Courses I |
必修Compulsory |
0.5 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
9.1 |
体育健康课程II Diversified Physical Education Courses II |
必修Compulsory |
0.5 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
9.1 |
通识教育课程 General Education Courses 共6学分,其中必修4学分,限修2学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 6,including 4 for compulsory courses,2 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class Practice Credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
核心通识课 Core General Education |
工程伦理 Engineering Ethics |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
第7学期 7Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
6.2/6.3/7.2/8.2 |
工程经济学 Engineering Economy |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
第7学期 7Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
6.2/11.1/11.2 |
新生研讨课 Freshman Seminar |
高速铁路车网电气关系 |
限修 Distributional Electives |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
限修2学分 Distributional Electives 2 Credits |
高速铁路供电系统概论 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
高速铁路弓网关系概论及前沿技术研讨 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
跨界思维与创新研究探索 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
城市轨道交通新型供电制式漫谈及其发展趋势 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
铁道电气化与自动化 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
高电压探秘 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
轨道交通牵引系统漫谈 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
新生研讨课 Freshman Seminar |
电气设备多目标优化设计漫谈 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
电气科学家及创新创业漫谈 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
磁浮交通系统技术 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
轨道交通中的电子与信息 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
智能电子装备 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
信息处理的广阔天地 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
嵌入式系统与智能化 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
能源互联网探讨 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
新能源发电技术概论 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
高速铁路牵引供电新技术导论 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
高速铁路技术及装备 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
能源与节能技术 |
2 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.2/10.1/12.1 |
学科与专业基础课程(含实验) Discipline and Specialty foundational Courses (Including Experiments) 共53学分,其中必修53学分,限修0学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 53,including 53 for compulsory courses,0 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class Practice Credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
数学与自然科学基础课 Foundational Courses on Mathematics and Natural Science |
高等数学I Calculus I |
必修Compulsory |
5 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
数学学院 mathematics |
1.1 |
高等数学II Calculus II |
必修Compulsory |
5 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
数学学院 mathematics |
1.1 |
线性代数B Linear Algebra B |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
数学学院 mathematics |
1.1 |
复变函数与积分变换 Complex Functions and Integral Transformations |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
数学学院 mathematics |
1.1 |
概率论与数理统计 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
数学学院 mathematics |
1.1 |
大学物理BI Fundamentals of Physics BI |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
物理科学与技术学院 Physical science |
1.1/4.1 |
大学物理BII Fundamentals of Physics BII |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
物理科学与技术学院 Physical science |
1.1/4.1 |
大学物理实验I College Physics Experiments I |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
物理科学与技术学院 Physical science |
1.1/4.1 |
大学物理实验II College Physics Experiments II |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
物理科学与技术学院 Physical science |
1.1/4.1 |
专业基础课 Professional Foundational Courses |
工程制图 Engineering Drawing |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0.5 |
第1学期 1St Semester |
机械工程学院 School of mechanical engineering |
5.2 |
电路分析AI(含实验) Electric Circuits AI |
必修Compulsory |
4 |
0.5 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.3/2.1/ 4.1 |
程序设计基础 Fundamentals of programming |
必修Compulsory |
2.5 |
1 |
第2学期 2Nd Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.3/12.2 |
数据结构与算法设计 Data structure and algorithm design |
必修Compulsory |
2.5 |
1 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.3/5.3/ 5.4 |
专业基础课 Professional Foundational Courses |
电路分析AII(含实验) Electric Circuits AII |
必修Compulsory |
4 |
0.5 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.3/2.1/ 4.1 |
模拟电子技术B Analogue Electronic Technology B |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
信息科学与技术学院 Information science and technology |
1.3 |
模拟电子技术实验 Analogue Electronic Technology Experiments |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
第3学期 3Rd Semester |
信息科学与技术学院 Information science and technology |
1.3 |
数字电子技术B Digital Electronic Technology B |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
信息科学与技术学院 Information science and technology |
1.3 |
数字电子技术实验 Digital Electronic Technology Experiments |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
信息科学与技术学院 Information science and technology |
1.3 |
信号与系统(含实验) Signals and Systems |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.25 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/2.2 |
专业课程(含实验) Specialized Courses (Including Experiments) 共47学分,其中必修37学分,限修10学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 47,including 37 for compulsory courses,10 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class Practice Credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
专业核心课程 Specialized Core Course |
信息论与编码 Information Theory and Coding |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.2/3.1/12.1 |
电子信息工程概论 Introduction to Electronic and Information Engineering |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
6.1/7.1/7.2/11.1 |
电子测量技术(含实验) Electronic Measurement Technology |
必修Compulsory |
2.5 |
0.5 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.3/4.1 |
软件设计综合实验 Software Comprehensive Experiments |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
1 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
4.2/4.3/6.3 |
MCU系统综合实验 MCU System Comprehensive Experiments |
必修Compulsory |
2.5 |
2.5 |
第4学期 4Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
4.2/4.3/5.3/5.4 |
专业核心课程 Specialized Core Course |
数字信号处理(含实验) Digital Signal Processing |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.25 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.2/2.3 |
微机原理(含实验) Principles of Micro-Computer |
必修Compulsory |
4 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.2/2.3/3.1 |
自动控制原理(含实验) Principles of Automatic Control |
必修Compulsory |
4 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
2.1/2.2 |
通信原理(含实验) Communication Theory |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
2.1 |
嵌入式系统及应用(含实验) Embedded System and Its Application |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
1 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
5.3/5.4 |
计算机网络(含实验) Computer Networks |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
4.2/7.2 |
通信电路 Communication Circuits |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/3.2 |
综合设计 Comprehensive Design |
必修Compulsory |
4 |
4 |
第7学期 7Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.3/5.1/8.2/10.1/10.2 |
专业限修课程 Specialized Restricted Courses(要求:至少8学分来自同一模块) |
传感器与信号检测技术(含实验) Sensors and Signal Detection Technology |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/5.3/5.4 |
机器人系统模块,选择10学分 Robotic System Module , 10 credits |
人工智能与机器学习 AI and Machine Learning |
限修Distributional Elective |
3 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/6.1/10.2 |
电子设计自动化(含实验) Electronic Design Automation |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.1/3.2/10.1 |
机器人控制(含实验) Robot Control |
限修Distributional Elective |
3 |
0.75 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
2.2/6.2 |
智能自主系统 Intelligent Autonomous System |
限修Distributional Elective |
3 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.3/5.3/6.3/9.2 |
专业限修课程 Specialized Restricted Courses(要求:至少8学分来自同一模块) |
人工智能与机器学习 AI and Machine Learning |
限修Distributional Elective |
3 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/6.1/10.2 |
人工智能技术模块, 选择10学分 Professional Course of Artificial Intelligence Module,10 credits
数字图像处理与计算机视觉(含实验) Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision |
限修Distributional Elective |
3 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.2 |
智能控制技术 Intelligent Control Technology |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
2.2/3.3/6.2 |
大数据技术(含数据库) Big Data Technology |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
计算机图形学(含实验) Computer Graphics |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
智能自主系统 Intelligent Autonomous System |
限修Distributional Elective |
3 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.3/5.3/6.3/9.2 |
传感器与信号检测技术(含实验) Sensors and Signal Detection Technology |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/5.3/5.4 |
轨道交通信息与控制模块,选择10学分 Rail Transit Information and Control Module,10 credits |
电机拖动基础(含实验) Fundamentals of Electrical Machinery |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
6.2/10.2 |
电力电子技术B(含实验) Power Electronics B |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第5学期 5Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
1.4/5.4 |
智能控制技术 Intelligent Control Technology |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.3/5.3/6.3/9.2 |
铁路信息系统架构 Architecture of Railway Information Systems |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.1/6.1/10.1 |
列车运行控制技术 Advanced Control Technology of Train Operation |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
5.4/9.2 |
现场总线与列车控制网络(含实验) Field Bus Control Systems and Train Control Networks |
限修Distributional Elective |
2 |
0.5 |
第6学期 6Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.2/6.3 |
实习实践教学 Practice Course 共16学分,其中必修16学分,限修0学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 16,including 16 for compulsory courses,0 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class Practice Credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
基本技能训练、实习实训、综合课程设计、社会与文化素质实践、毕业实习与毕业设计 Cultural Quality Practice, Graduation Internship and Graduation Design |
电子市场调查实践 Electronic Market Research |
必修Compulsory |
1 |
1 |
短1学期 Short Semester 1 |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
9.1/9.2/11.1/ 11.2 |
工程训练A Engineering Training A |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
2 |
短1学期 Short Semester 1 |
工程训练中心 Engineering training center |
3.2/5.2 |
电子工艺实习 Electronic Process Practice |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
2 |
短2学期 Short Semester 2 |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
5.2 |
生产实习 Engineering Internship |
必修Compulsory |
3 |
3 |
短3学期 Short Semester 3 |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
7.1/7.2/8.2/ 11.2 |
毕业设计(论文) Graduation Dissertation |
必修Compulsory |
8 |
8 |
第8学期 8Th Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
2.3/4.3/5.1/8.2/10.2/ 10.3/ 12.2 |
多元化课程 Diversified course 共4学分,其中必修0学分,限修4学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 4,including 0 for compulsory courses,4 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class practice credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
跨学科课程 Interdisciplinary Course |
全校跨学科课程 Interdisciplinary Course of University |
限修 Distributional electives |
2 |
2-8学期 2-8 Semester |
全校 The whole school |
3.3/5.1/12.1/12.2 |
限修4学分 Distributional electives 4 Credits
按照《BEAT365唯一官网多元化课程修读指导手册》执行。 Follow the 《Instruction manual of diversified courses of southwest Jiaotong University》 |
美育专业类课程 Aesthetic Education Specialty Courses |
全校美育专业类课程 Aesthetic Education Specialty Courses of University |
2 |
3.3/5.1/12.1/12.2 |
学科竞赛类课程 Subject Competition Courses |
全校学科竞赛课程 Subject Competition Courses of University |
2 |
3.3/5.1/12.1/12.2 |
个性化选修课程 Personalized Elective Courses |
全校个性化选修课程 Personalized Elective Courses of University |
2 |
3.3/5.1/12.1/12.2 |
创新创业实践 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Practice 共2学分,其中必修2学分,限修0学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 2,including 2 for compulsory courses,0 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class practice credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
创新创业训练计划项目、个性化实验、学科竞赛、创新讲座等 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program, Personalized Experiments, Subject Competition, Innovation Lectures, etc |
课外创新实践 Extracurricular Innovation Practice |
必修Compulsory |
2 |
2 |
2-7学期 2-7 Semester |
beat365手机版在线登录 School of Electrical Engineering |
3.3/5.1/12.1/ 12.2 |
按照《BEAT365唯一官网创新实践学分认定与管理办法》规定执行 By Credit Recognition and Management of Innovative Practice in Southwest Jiaotong University |
必修环节 A compulsory part 共0学分,其中必修0学分,限修0学分,选修0学分 A total credits of 0,including 0 for compulsory courses,0 for distributional electives and 0 for free electives |
课程类型 Course Type |
课程名称 Course Name |
课程性质 Nature of Course |
总学分 Credits |
课内实践学分 In-class practice credits |
开课学期 Semester |
开课学院 School |
支撑毕业要求指标点 Indicators which Support Graduation Requirements |
备注 Notes |
大学生综合素质提升、学生体质达标测评 Comprehensive Quality Improvement Courses for College Students, Assessment of Students' Physical Fitness |
大学生综合素质提升(第二、第三课堂) Comprehensive Quality Improvement Courses for College Students(The Second and Third Classroom) |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
1-8学期 1-8 Semester |
校团委 Communist Youth League Committee |
学生体质达标测评 Assessment of Students' Physical Fitness |
必修Compulsory |
0 |
0 |
秋季学期 fall Semester |
体育部Dept. of Physical Education |
学分总计 Total Credits |
160 |